Five tips from behind the scenes of some powerful speeches by young people.
You can read my parting blog for Restless Development, the global agency for youth-led development, here.
Have you been thrown in the deep end and asked to speak at an event tomorrow? Did they ‘want to get the perspective of someone young like you’ but offered no steer other than ‘just be yourself’? Or maybe you’re like me, and you’ve been asked by that young person to help them speak in front of people they suspect might not really be listening?
These are some extracts from spine-tingling speeches I’ve heard from young activists and some tips I’ve been privileged to learn from them……..

“Hundreds of us have come because we care about the future of our world.
A world that is facing up to the injustice of poverty, and making a promise to end it.
A gap – a CHASM – between the lives of those poorest people and the rest of the world, which we’re not going to tolerate anymore.
A world that is waking up to the fact that there is only one planet, there is no plan B, and climate change hits the poorest, hardest.”
– Ronagh Craddock & Amro Hussain, hosts of the UK Government’s first Youth Summit